The Alamo is thought to be a symbol of brave men who were willing to fight to the death in order to protect their liberty (Crisp,145). Therefore, the thought of allowing Davy Crockett a death outside of the battlefield is thought by most of Crisp’s critics to be impossible. But to see why Davy’s death at the Alamo is so important. We need to see why the Alamo was important in the first place.
It is interesting to note that the Alamo ” the building so cherised today was being used as a grocery warehouse” in dates as late as the 1870s. But the “significance” of the Alamo became apparent in Texas around the early 1900s when an influx of Mexican immigration raised the racial tension among the Anglo citizens. Anglo-Americans tried to supress the Mexicans by using methods like the poll tax and other segregation laws. Thus, the Alamo was transformed into a legend, a clear-cut legend of Anglos vs. Mexican with no in betweens (despite the fact 9 of 11 defenders were Tejanos). The white defenders were thought of a s martyrs for a noble cause. Hutton describes cherised heroes as “always vastly outnumbered by a vicious enemy from a culturally inferior nation bent on the destruction of its people.” (Crisp, 145-153)
What better man deserved the above the description than Davy Crockett? “King of the Wild frontier” claimed by Disney. Surely, man of his character would go down fighting than surrendur and be at the enemy’s mercy! Hutton observes strangely that the story of Crockett’s surrender and death as a war prisoner remained uncontested for the 19th century and ” was quite common..and seemed to upset no one.” Hutton sees the sudden defense of the Fess Parker disney as a “post-Disney phenomenon” (Crisp, 147),
As for my view on Davy’s death, I wasn’t born in the 1950s where he may have been the hero for my age. To me, Davy Crockett was a popular historical figure who died in a historical death. Davy’s death or how he died specifically died is not that significant in its after effects. He was no Archduke Ferdinand. In fact, his death story went unchallenged for decades until Disney (Crisp,147). Now, many fans are standing up for Davy Crockett as if they knew him by his character portrayed by Fess Parker. History is a collection irrefutable facts and truths. It is disturbing to find out that if someone (mass media) says a believable fact (regardless if it’s true or not) and spreads it far enough, it will eventually be regarded as true. Do I care how Davy die? Not exactly. I am really interested as to what is this power over history that dictated how he died. This power,utilizing Davy’sdeath, has created a controversy among historians, a legacy Davy himself couldn’t have done in life much less just in death.