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A group blog for students in HIST 159

Group Post #1

I researched John F Kennedy this week as a candidate for out group project.  I looked primarily at websites, and I found several different points of view, which could be interesting to explore in class.  Some people see him as a villain masquerading as a martyr, and some see him as a hero in life and death.  Kennedy also has several aspects that would be interesting with reference to the key questions we have to answer.  His reputation is influenced by his early death, militarism, and scandalous personal life.  This final aspect is interesting because it asks us to evaluate whether deeds or a personal life is important when determining how history views a person and how it affercts their status as legendary.  He is prominent enough in history for us to find plenty of information about him, and I think he would be a good choice for us to study.

One Response to “Group Post #1”

  1. lft2 says:

    I don’t know why this wasn’t published last week, I SWEAR i posted it before last wednesday. It said “pending” next to the post, and I didn’t know what that meant in this case, so I just tried publishing it again and it worked this time. Sorry you guys haven’t been able to see this for a week!

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