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Kennedy- Eventual Fates of His Story?

As strange as it is to think about a children’s book discussing the topic of an assassination, I have found a book that does just that. Granted, this book is not for kindergarten children (it seems to be 4th or 5th grade level) but it still discusses the day of Kennedy’s assasination and the conspiracy behind it.

I think this book would be a good suggested reading for the class during our discussion of JFK. This book is a good demonstration of how even civil texts can mold the young public’s opinion even on a mystery of Kennedy’s death. After reading the book directed for children, the widest audience for legends, we can compare the contents to our notes on Kennedy’s impact and image today.

The book is fairly informative, going step by step of the day Kennedy was shot to the death of his supposed killer. It then explains the case of the Warren Commission which determined that Oswald worked alone. Afterwards, it goes over the conspiracy theories along with the motivation and circumstantial evidence  behind them. Among the cases were: Castro-supporters, Anti-Castro rebels, the Mafia and even an agency in our own government, the CIA. It discusses the mysterious evidence from the “magic” bullet that supposedly zig-zagged through two bodies only to come out pristine to the dissapearance of another bullet from the scene. It also talks about the mysterious dissaperances and deaths of key witnesses. I would say that this is pretty heavy topics for children.

One thing that can be noted is that this book is at a higher level than the usual books about famous Americans like George Washington or Abraham Lincoln. That means that John Kennedy would be taught at a later time than some other historical figuers. But why? Why do we always teach the children the heroes that come first? Is it out of respect for the chronological history of America? Or is it because it is out of convinience? As time goes on, stories become myths which become legends of exaggerated and questionable proportions. Do we pick the oldest legends in order to inspire awe into the minds at young age? We discussed in class earlier why children were taught of Harriet’s nineteen trips and 300 freed slaves when the evidence show owtherwise. And the legend of Harriet Tubman spent decades in anonymity before fame brought her back into public attention. Similarly, the story of Davy Crockett’s death at the Alamo went uncontested for much longer before it was brought back to stardom. Many stories we have studied have gone into “hibernation” before emerging as fully formed legens. Some others like Washington began as legends and have continued on to be so. Is that to say that as time goes on, even the JFK conspiracy theories (which are extensive enough as they are now) will one day be even more exaggerated and famous than it is now?

Works cited

Landsman, Susan. A History Mystery Who Shot JFK?. 1. New York: Avon Books, 1992. 1-90. Print

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